5 Tips for Building Muscle on a Plant-Based Diet

Building muscle and strength are important for overall health. In fact, muscle mass has been shown to be a predictor of longevity, as shown in a study of older adults1. Building muscle improves quality of life and is the secret sauce for making life worth living.

Strength training can allow us to participate in activities we choose by making us stronger and more agile, helps strengthen bones, reduces inflammation, helps prevent falls, and even helps with growing brain cells2,3. Resistance training has been shown to lower chronic inflammation, which is the root cause of many chronic … Read the rest

8 Tips to Support a Healthy Microbiome and Reduce Chronic Inflammation

Systemic inflammation is intimately connected to our gut health and our microbiome. If we want to lower chronic inflammation, the microbiome is a good place to start.

This is a whole paradigm shift in medicine, and it’s one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever learned. And, it works!

70% of our immune system lies in our guts, just underneath the single cell endothelial layer that makes up all of our digestive tract (affectionately referred to as the “gut” here).

It’s there on purpose. Remember, one of the most important functions of the immune system is to recognize and eliminate … Read the rest

6 Tips Manage Stress and Support Immune Health during COVID-19

  1. Follow the COVID-19 guidelinesSELF-ISOLATE is essential. Wash your hands and practice good hygiene. And then:
  • Breathe – Breathe in slowly and deeply for the count of 5, hold for a second, and breathe out for the count of 5. Do this 6 times, and this is 1 minute. You can trigger your vagus nerve and rest and restore mode with just these few deep breaths. Do it often during the day, and it can help break the cycle of anxiety and stressful thoughts.
  • Eat real food – Your immune system starts in your gut with your
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