Creating Balance for Weight Loss

Even a whole-food, plant based diet may not always be enough to reach your goal weight, although it’s a great place to start. For some, it can take an overall healthy approach and re-establishing balance to see improvements. These upgrades are essential for reducing inflammation, lowering oxidative stress, downshifting stress hormones, nourishing the microbiome, supporting the immune system, and resulting in healthy weight loss.


  1. Eat more plant-based, whole foods.
    1. Emphasis on WHOLE foods and plants.
    2. This means lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, whole-unaltered grains, legumes, ¼ cups seeds and nuts per day. As Dr. Fuhrman says, the more raw
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Life Transformation

Wow, what an event! At our inaugural recipe swap, we hosted the entire Masiello Family!  Anthony Masiello shared how he transformed his life, when he set out to take back his health and lose weight. With the support of his amazing family, they have figured out how to make it work in their lives, and today they shared it with us. Here are a few take home tips from his talk:

  1. Know your why. Why do you want to do __(fill in the blank)__? What is your internal motivation? Losing weight to fit into your jeans is not enough
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