The Joy of Missing Out

This is the summer of the Joy of Missing Out -JOMO is the catch term. It’s gaining momentum this summer with individuals and big corporations such as Apple and Google. Instead of worrying what everyone else is doing, it’s all about disconnecting a little and focusing on living in the moment. It gives some steps as to how to disengage, such as:
1. Know that you likely have a problem. If you own a smartphone, chances are you’re engaging in unhealthy tech habits (without even knowing it).
2. Monitor your digital diet, as you would your food diet. Apps such as Moment allow you to track your digital time, as well as new features in google and apple. You just might be surprised how much time you log, and you can actually start to control it.
3. Manage people’s expectation of you (and set them low). Cultivate low expectations, where you don’t immediately text and email back, so they don’t expect it. Give yourself the luxury of a little time to yourself….
4. Do things with intention. Be mindful of the things you’re giving up by being online, such as time spent with family, friends, or learning a new skill. Turns out, people are happier when they choose the latter.
5. Hold the tech industry accountable. The thing is, we need our devices, and they benefit from it.
The idea is to make the most of that precious commodity, time.

Read full article in the NYTimes: 


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