Apple-Blueberry Pie

This pie is as American as baseball and leisurely Sunday afternoons. I love to make it when guests come to visit, when it’s autumn, when we’re celebrating something, or during apple season in Fall. It was created as a hybrid of recipes by my friend Anthony Masiello, and when I first tried it, I was hooked . I like to add blueberries to it for a little extra sweetness. It tastes as good or better than any apple pie I’ve ever had. It’s not too sweet, and it’s just the right amount of apple-blueberry deliciousness to win us over every … Read the rest

Heavenly Raw Chocolate “Cream” Pie (v, gf)

Best. Chocolate. Pie. EVER. Seriously, this pie is amazing! Luxurious and creamy (from avocado, not cream!), and well, chocolatey. Wow. And because it’s so rich, it’s very satisfying.  I’ve been tweaking this recipe for a few years, trying to make it all whole foods with just the right amount of creamy and chocolate-ness. Yum.

Contrary to what the cooking shows and media tell us, even desserts and holidays matter – we never want to cause inflammation, and this pie is our answer to chocolate cravings, while still being good for us.

We serve it in our house when we have … Read the rest