Exciting News! I am creating an Integrative Medicine practice and building a new website that will be live by February 2025. More information and how to work with me coming soon!
“Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is for you.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Welcome to Eat & Live Healthfully!

Congratulations for taking the first step in improving your health and well-being!
With this website, I hope to inspire you to want to change your lifestyle to be your healthiest, happiest self!
The Challenge is Yours.
If you should so accept, I would be honored to work with you, help you design an individualized diet and lifestyle plan, taking into consideration your busy life, taste preferences, restrictions and food allergies/intolerances, and many other obstacles or concerns that may arise. We will start with education, and learn why to choose certain foods over others, as well as how to prepare them to maximize their nutrient content. I will go over why the standard American diet leads to so many illnesses, and how we can choose differently. We will design a diet and lifestyle that suits your particular needs and preferences, and I will help you plan, shop, and cook fabulous (while simple) meals that you and your family will love. We will also discuss the effects of stress on the body, and simple ways to reduce its affects and/or alter your perception of it. And we will dig deep into the root cause of you illness, working hard to help your body achieve and re-establish health again. I am offering evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle counseling that can truly change your life.I hope you accept my challenge, and I wish you the best of luck with your journey!